Project Scope
This project includes the demolition and replacement of multiple cooling towers for the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP), an OSHPD-1 facility. Mark III’s scope includes the replacement of (4) rooftop cooling towers set on new spring isolation platforms, all associated piping, valves, controls and electrical in addition to the fabrication and installation of (4) structural catwalks for each new tower. Our MEP manufacturing team fabricated the structural catwalks per plans before shipping to site for installation. These catwalks will offer maintenance accessibility to the new cooling towers.
Partnership & Collaboration
Due to the unique requirements and demands of the hospital, the facility needed to remain open during construction. For that to be possible, the project was strategically scheduled during the cooler months because the cooling towers would need to be taken offline in phases, leaving the hospital running at 50% capacity. These towers are responsible for cooling the hospital, so it was imperative that the project be completed during the winter months where cooling the facility is not a necessity.
In conjunction with the project structural engineer, NMR, and mechanical engineer, Turley, Mark III worked strategically with equipment suppliers, BAC and Air Treatment to ensure leads times would fall in line with the project requirements.
Photo Source: CHOMP LinkedIn