Employee Spotlight: Donna Zarco

Posted on April 7, 2021 •

Spotlight on Donna

Congratulations to Donna Zarco, fabrication shop trainee, for earning the April 2021 Employee Spotlight!

Joe Snyder, fabrication shop manager, says, “Donna has been with us for about a year and a half working as a welder in our piping area. She has a tremendous amount of integrity and brings a very high level of professionalism to our team. She can be found any time of day at her welder with her hood down. Donna isn’t someone you have to remind or teach how to stay on task. She brought that level of integrity with her. She doesn’t have a big ego or a desire to brag about her skills she just quietly puts in work and impresses everyone around her. Her welding on stainless pipe is unmatched in manufacturing and her drive to be excellent at it has brought our level of quality to new heights for our field team to install with confidence.”

Thank you for your commitment to Mark III, Donna!


What is your favorite Mark III core value (teamwork, innovation, integrity, work-hard-play-hard, transparency) and how does it play a part in your everyday role & responsibilities?

My favorite Mark III Core value is integrity. I think it’s a highly valued trait, especially in leaders. When a person is self-aware, accountable, responsible, and truthful it benefits us more as a team.

How do our core values play into your everyday role & responsibilities?

The core values lay a foundation for my day. They ultimately unify us, and make us more successful. No matter the situation we keep the day running smoothly. When I come to work everyday I can tell my teammates are engaging in the core values and it enhances and improves our teamwork as a whole.

How has Mark III helped you in your career development?

Mark III helps me in my career development everyday that I am there. I wouldn’t be the welder I am today without my teammates and their wonderful guidance. I’m always learning something new, thanks to the guidance provided at Mark III. Mark III gives us the opportunity to stay after to practice our skills. This inspires me to get more certifications and to go after my TIG certification.

What is your proudest moment at Mark III?

My proudest moment at Mark III is anytime I lay a beautiful weld; I ran a cap non stop on 18″ pipe and I was proud to see the end result.


Sound like a team you want to be apart of? Check out our open positions and apply today!

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